Our experienced lawyers have dealt with boundary disputes involving different types of properties. Our team has advised on fences or buildings that have crossed the neighbour’s boundary, building structures that have been installed without proper planning and building consents, easements, rights of ways, various aspects of nuisances including, trespassing, noise, smell and even bright lighting.
Before embarking upon any course of action we work with our clients to gather the appropriate evidence in relation to the breach.
A strategy is formulated to ensure the best course of action, before considering the various remedies that are available.
This could range from dialogue with the neighbour or issuing a warning letter before action. If this fails we can then obtain a Civil Injunction or other order.
We appreciate that these issues are sensitive as clients still have to live or work next to their neighbours. It is therefore imperative to ensure that there is flexibility to try and settle matters before the relationship further deteriorates.